Bryan & College Station City Councils Approve New ETJ Boundary Lines

The cities of Bryan and College Station have made the first revision to extra-territorial jurisdiction agreements since 1980.

Also known as ETJ’s, that’s the area outside the city limits that still falls under certain city regulations.

Both city councils this month approved an interlocal agreement that determines which way the cities will direct future annexation.

During discussion by the Bryan city council two weeks ago, planning administrator Martin Zimmerman explained the new boundaries are FM 60 to the west and the Navasota River going north from the Highway 30 bridge.

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There was no discussion by the College Station city council prior to its unanimous approval last week.

The current ETJ goes three and a half miles in both cities. After the next census, College Station’s ETJ goes to five miles because the population has passed 100,000.

Click HERE to read the new ETJ agreement as approved by the College Station city council.

The new ETJ map, from the city of College Station.
The new ETJ map, from the city of College Station.

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