Bryan City Councilman Says Changes To Capital Improvement Plan Were Made Without Public Discussion

A Bryan city councilman says changes to the next five years of capital improvement projects (CIP) were recommended without his knowledge.

Mike Southerland was expecting to discuss the CIP during a special meeting Tuesday night, but that did not materialize.

Southerland was outvoted 6-1 to issue almost $73 million dollars of bonds the next five years. $59 million is going towards the new superpark.

Southerland questioned why recommendations he supported from the public works director…including a pavilion at Sale Park and an extension of Austin’s Colony Parkway, were not there.

No one else on the council made a comment.

Click below for comments from Mike Southerland during the September 24, 2019 Bryan city council meeting.


Click HERE to read the modified Bryan CIP plan for 2018 and 2019.

Click HERE to read the modified Bryan CIP plan for 2020 through 2024.

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