Bryan City Council Supports Reserving Space In Expanded Cemetery For Veterans

Image from the city of Bryan showing the proposed location of the city cemetery veterans burial area.
Image from the city of Bryan showing the proposed location of the city cemetery veterans burial area.

Supporters of a Bryan city cemetery section for veterans won’t have to wait another two months for city action.

A proposal endorsed by several local veterans organizations was endorsed Tuesday by the Bryan city council.

Click HERE to read and download the presentation given during the August 11, 2020 Bryan city council meeting.

Click HERE to read and download the proposed ordinance change to create the veterans section of the Bryan city cemetery.

The staff proposal reserves a section of the recently expanded area across Washington Street from the original cemetery property.

Deputy city manager Hugh Walker says 882 spaces would be created, with double stacking when spouses are buried.

Other staff recommendations:

• Restricts burials to veterans who served and died while on active duty or after receiving an honorable discharge,

• Headstones will be standard government issued upright headstones,

• Plots are non-transferable but can be sold back to the city, and

• Flagpoles will be installed and maintained by the city.

The council action followed the cemetery board’s decision last month to table consideration until October.

Then the cemetery board held a special meeting last week to recommend the veterans section.

Walker said the pricing for the veterans plots has yet to be determined.

Click below to listen to comments from Hugh Walker during the August 11, 2020 Bryan city council meeting.

Listen to “Bryan city council supports creation of veterans burial area at the city cemetery” on Spreaker.

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