Bryan City Council Action On A West Side Shared Use Path

Image from the city of Bryan.
Image from the city of Bryan.

Two legs of a hike and bike path on the city of Bryan’s west side were brought up during the last Bryan city council meeting.

Public works director Jayson Barfknecht reported the state approved sharing the cost of a concrete path along Villa Maria from Highway 47 to Harvey Mitchell Parkway.

Barfknecht says the construction is supposed to take place two years from now.

Click HERE to read and download information about the shared use path along Villa Maria from Highway 47 to Harvey Mitchell Parkway.

The council also unanimously approved without discussion to apply to the state to extend the path along Villa Maria from Harvey Mitchell to near Wellborn Road.

Click HERE to read and download the resolution adopted by the Bryan city council to extend the path along Villa Maria from Harvey Mitchell to near Wellborn Road.

Click HERE to read and download background information about the resolution to extend the path along Villa Maria from Harvey Mitchell to near Wellborn Road.

Click below for comments from Jayson Barfknecht from the May 11, 2021 Bryan city council meeting.

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Image from the city of Bryan.
Image from the city of Bryan.

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