Bryan Animal Center, Hortons reunite family with dog

The Bryan Animal Center and Bryan Councilwoman Ann Horton and her family teamed together to bring a family back together just in time for Christmas.

Several days ago a 6-7 month old, white pit bull named Cruz ended up at the Bryan Animal Center. Cruz was wearing a collar which had a rabies vaccination tag attached, so after a few phone calls it was determined that Cruz belonged to Cynthia Rodriguez’s family – in Oklahoma City!

No one is sure how Cruz ended up in Bryan, but Rodriguez made it clear she and her family wanted him home, and Bryan Animal Center staff began working on finding a solution.

Bryan Mayor Pro Tem Ann Horton, her husband and daughter had already planned a trip to Oklahoma City for the holidays. When she learned about Cruz’s story, she offered to take Cruz along so he could be reunited with his family in time for Christmas.

Horton said the reuniting was a great experience to be a part of, and the Rodriguez family was ecstatic to have their new puppy back home.

Councilwoman Ann Horton, Dec. 23, 2011

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