Bryan And College Station ISD School Boards Adopt New State Required Resolutions Regarding Chaplains

Images from College Station ISD and Bryan ISD.
Images from College Station ISD and Bryan ISD.

The Bryan and College Station ISD school boards adopt resolutions required by new state legislation regarding chaplains.

Senate bill 763 says “A school district or open-enrollment charter school may employ or accept as a volunteer a chaplain to provide support, services, and programs for students as assigned by the board of trustees of the district or the governing body of the school. A chaplain employed or volunteering under this chapter is not required to be certified by the State Board for Educator Certification.”

The Bryan ISD board passed a resolution at its February 19th meeting stating that “at this time”, the district “would not allow a chaplain to be hired or volunteer to provide chaplain support, services, and programs for students.” Bryan ISD administrators at the board’s February 5th meeting thanked members of the faith based community for their support. And the resolution says BISD “welcomes all members of the community to register as school volunteers in accordance with an existing board policy.”

The College Station ISD board passed a resolution at its February 20th meeting that follows the district’s current policy that allows chaplains and other religiously affiliated person to apply for paid and volunteer positions. In the case of providing support services, superintendent Tim Harkrider says that is done in CSISD by certified counselors.

Two CSISD board members commented about senate bill 763. Joshua Benn said it was “a can of worms” that the district does not need. Blaine Decker said SB 763 “is the state trying to get us to hire somebody else that we didn’t ask for and (the state) is not funding”.

Click HERE to read and download a copy of senate bill 763.

Click HERE to read and download the resolution adopted at the February 19, 2024 Bryan ISD school board meeting.

Click HERE to read and download the resolution adopted at the February 20, 2024 College Station ISD school board meeting.

Click below to hear comments from the February 5, 2024 Bryan ISD school board meeting and the February 20, 2024 College Station ISD school board meeting.

Listen to “Bryan And College Station ISD school boards adopt new state required resolutions regarding chaplains” on Spreaker.

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