Brazos Valley Groundwater District Board Dealing With Opposition To Multiple Requests

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The board of the Brazos Valley groundwater conservation district (BVGCD) is dealing with opposition to multiple requests to pump more water.

Thursday’s (September 12th) meeting included action on four contested applications.

The Texas A&M system is involved in all four applications, one as an applicant and three as an opponent.

BVGCD board president Jayson Barfknecht told WTAW News that the board decided one of two disputed water transport applications will go to the state office of administrative hearings (SOAH). Testimony will be taken from the applicants and six opponents. A group of seven applicants want to transport water out of Robertson County to customers in Milam, Williamson, Travis, and/or Bell counties. Opponents include the A&M system, the cities of Bryan and College Station, Brazos County, and two private landowners.

As for the second application by the same group to transport water out of Robertson County, Barfknecht said the board acknowledged the A&M system’s request for a contested hearing. Barfknecht said the earliest the board will discuss the process of the hearing is at its October meeting.

After the board meeting, the A&M system filed a writ of mandamus in Brazos County district court. The system wants the groundwater district board to immediately hold a contested case hearing on the transport permits.

Click HERE to read and download a copy of the writ of mandamus which was provided to WTAW News by the Texas A&M system.

Barfknecht says a third contested hearing involving the system deals with the water exporters permit to operate wells in Robertson County.

And there will be a contested case hearing to the A&M system’s application to drill a well on the RELLIS campus. Barfknecht says the proposed RELLIS well has 12 opponents.

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