Brazos Valley Gives Campaign Is Accepting Pre-Scheduled Online Contributions

103 non-profit agencies are registered for the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley’s (CFBV) first Brazos Valley Gives event.

While the official day of giving is October 22, you can pre-schedule a gift online at

Foundation president Patricia Gerling says you can also learn about volunteer opportunities and upcoming events of each of the 501(c)3 organizations that they screened.

Click below for more information from Patricia Gerling, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

Listen to “Pre-scheduled gifts are being accepted for the Brazos Valley Day Of Giving fundraiser” on Spreaker.

Additional information from the Brazos Valley Gives website:

What is Brazos Valley Gives?

Brazos Valley Gives is 18-hours of on-line giving that brings the region together on one day and as “one community” to raise critical funding and awareness for Brazos Valley nonprofit organizations. Powered by the Community Foundation, Brazos Valley Gives will provide citizens and businesses an easy platform to support the mission and “good works” of local nonprofit organizations that serve our communities. The Foundation is partnering with area nonprofits to give thousands of donors from every community in the Brazos Valley an opportunity to raise funds for local needs. Brazos Valley Gives will empower individual donors and business leaders to come together to support causes close to their hearts – and, on this day, everyone can be a philanthropist!

When is Brazos Valley Gives?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019, from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Central Standard Time. Brazos Valley Gives will be held annually on the fourth Tuesday of October.

Where is Brazos Valley Gives?

Brazos Valley Gives is virtual – it is an online event. Most of the activity will take place on our website — In addition, the Community Foundation is partnering with The Eagle to host a drive-thru donation station at 1729 Briarcrest Drive [Bryan, Texas] from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Media Partners KBTX and Bryan Broadcasting will be promoting Brazos Valley Gives in the days leading up to and during the October 22 giving extravaganza. News and updates will be posted regularly to social media sites:

Facebook: @BVGives
Twitter @BVGives
Instagram @BVGives

Why give on Giving Day?

The purpose of an area-wide Giving Day is to bring the region together on one day and as one community, raising money and awareness for Brazos Valley nonprofits. This initiative, powered by the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley, provides citizens across the 7-county service area with an easy platform to support the mission of local nonprofits that serve our communities.

One of the pillars of the Community Foundation’s mission is to provide simple ways for donors to achieve their charitable goals. By providing an 18-hour online fundraising extravaganza, the Foundation offers the public an opportunity to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for local nonprofits. Brazos Valley Gives will empower individual donors and business leaders to come together to support causes close to their hearts – and where a small donor can feel just as important as a large donor.

How do you determine which nonprofits are eligible to participate in Brazos Valley Gives?

To participate in Brazos Valley Gives, a nonprofit must have a physical location, mailing address and serve or provide services/programs in one of the 7 counties in the Brazos Valley [Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington Counties]. In addition, the nonprofit must be classified as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or public charity as described in Section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code (i.e., churches, schools, hospitals, government entities) and be in good standing with the IRS. The nonprofit must acknowledge that 100% of proceeds raised through Brazos Valley Gives will go directly toward the organization’s programs and services in the Brazos Valley. Each nonprofit’s giving day portal will include a link to their own website, mission statement and information about their work in the community. This content is intended to provide donors with information on the organization’s goals and use of its charitable dollars.

Does approval to participate in Brazos Valley Gives mean that the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley endorses each participating nonprofit’s charitable purpose and programs?

Brazos Valley Gives is proud to support thousands of donors as they come together on one day to give to their favorite nonprofits or to new causes near to their heart. We encourage you to find organizations that align with your passions and values. While the Community Foundation verifies the charitable status of every nonprofit that participates in Brazos Valley Gives, the Foundation does not screen or select organizations on the basis of their charitable purposes or their missions. Brazos Valley Gives eligibility is based solely on providing services in the 7-county service area and an organization’s current status as a recognized Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity. Therefore, approval of an organization’s participation in Brazos Valley Gives does not constitute an express or implied endorsement by the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley or any other Giving Day partner. Each Brazos Valley Gives nonprofit page provides the organization’s mission, images and links to their social media channels. Each nonprofit’s page also includes a link to their website to provide you with more detailed information on the organization’s mission and use of its charitable dollars.

How much money does the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley make on Brazos Valley Gives Day?

Absolutely none! The Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley is investing significant staff/volunteer time and financial resources into the creation and execution of Brazos Valley Gives to provide area nonprofits with a simplified platform to reach new donors and advance community giving. The Community Foundation will receive no compensation for hosting Brazos Valley Gives. Each nonprofit will pay a $150 participation fee; nonprofit organizations that have established an endowment fund at the Foundation will pay a $50 particiipation fee. Funding from these fees will be used to promote the event.

Who can donate?

Any individual with a credit or debit card and access to the internet. The Community Foundation is partnering with The Eagle to host a drive-thru donation station from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 1729 Briarcrest Drive in Bryan.

What forms of donations are accepted?

Credit card, debit card and echeck donations will be accepted October 22, 2019 from 6:00 a.m. to midnight by using MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express online at Donations made via check or cash will be accepted at the drive-thru donation station at The Eagle [1729 Briarcrest Drive – Bryan] or by contacting the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley at 979.589.4305. You can also contact any participating charity as they can assist you with gifts made by check or cash. Donor-advised fund-holders at the Community Foundation may recommend grants from their funds by submitting a signed and dated grant recommendation form, by email, to Please call the Community Foundation if you have questions about donating on Brazos Valley Gives Day.

Are gifts tax-deductible?

All donations are tax-deductible and irrevocable and will be for the unrestricted use by your chosen charity[ies]. Donations cannot be designated for a specific program at a nonprofit; although, a participating nonprofit is free to indicate that it will use donations that day for a specific purpose. Donors will receive an immediate tax receipt via email at the conclusion of the donation process.

Is there a minimum gift?

The minimum donation amount is $10. There is no maximum donation. All gifts made on are non-refundable.

Can my gift be anonymous?

Yes. When you make your gift, simply check the anonymous button, and the nonprofit will not receive your contact information. You will, however, still receive your gift acknowledgment letter for the gift from the Community Foundation via email.

How do I make a donation?

Starting at 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 22, go to and use a credit or debit card to donate to your nonprofit(s) of choice. You will have a full 18 hours to donate and will have the ability to search for nonprofits by name, county, city or type of charity. Participating nonprofits will have a profile page on where you can learn more about the charity and initiate a donation. The minimum gift is $10; however, there is no maximum.

I want to give before October 22! Is there a way to do that?

Yes indeed! Donors can log onto beginning Tuesday, October 8, to schedule their giving day gift. Donors complete the donation form and select the organization(s) of their choice. Transactions will not be processed until October 22, 2019, Brazos Valley Gives Day.

What fees are associated with my donation? Who pays them?

The fee on gifts made through is 5.1%. This fee is composed of the credit card fee [2.1%] and event vendor fee [3.0%]. During the donation process, you will be asked if you would like to cover this fee for your chosen nonprofit(s). If you select yes, then 5.1% will be added to your total. Your entire contribution is tax deductible, including the processing fee! If you choose not to cover the fee, then the fees will be passed through to your selected nonprofit(s) by deducting it from your donation.

Brazos Valley Gives Day is powered by the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley. We are a Bryan-based nonprofit focused on strengthening the 7-county region of the Brazos Valley through philanthropy as we raise and steward endowments for donors and charitable organizations. The Community Foundation does not receive any portion of the transaction fees or profit from Brazos Valley Gives Day.

What if I made a mistake when I made my gift?

If you gave to the wrong organization, we can correct that for you immediately on October 22. Please email with your name, gift amount and the details of your gift. You can also phone our office at 979.589.4305 on Giving Day, October 22. If you submitted the wrong gift amount, we will correct that for you and issue a partial refund if necessary. Please contact us immediately to resolve these issues before the conclusion of Giving Day.

Can I make a gift “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” someone?

On the donation form, you may choose that your gift was made in honor of or in memory of someone and that information will be passed to the nonprofit.

Are donations safe and secure?

Yes. The website is powered by CiviCore, and is a secure PCI-Level 1 compliant site for donating to charities. Donors can be sure their personal information is protected when donating through our website. Neither CiviCore nor the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley will store, nor have access to a donor’s credit card information. The Community Foundation will not share contact or other private information with anyone or any organization other than the receiving nonprofit. If the donor chooses to have their donation remain anonymous, then no personal identifying information will be shared with the nonprofit.

What if I can’t find my favorite nonprofit on the website?

If you can’t find them on, then they are not signed up to participate, and/or they do not qualify to participate in 2019 Brazos Valley Gives Day. The agency must meet all preset eligibility requirements. Nonprofits have until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 30, 2019 to register to participate. If you did not see your favorite charity online during Brazos Valley Gives, then we encourage supporters to donate to them via mail and encourage the nonprofit to participate in Brazos Valley Gives Day in 2020.

What is a “unique donor”?

For the purposes of awarding prizes, a unique donor is one individual. Multiple donations from one donor to the same nonprofit will count as one gift.

Can I give to multiple organizations?

YES, INDEED! Donations can be made to single or multiple organizations with the ability to donate in a single transaction. Only the nonprofits registered on may receive donations during this event.

Can I donate from my Smartphone or tablet?

Yes. Our technology provider has a “mobile optimized platform” that will make it easy to make a donation on using a smart phone or tablet.

What browser is supported?

Brazos Valley Gives Day supported browsers include: Internet Explorer 10 and above, the latest two versions of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, iPhone/iPad I0S 7 or later and Android. Older internet web-browsers do not provide sufficient security for donors and are not supported. If you have an unsupported browser and wish to donate, please contact our office at 979.589.4305.

May I use my Giving Day donation to buy event tickets, museum memberships, or other things that provide me a benefit?

No. Donations may not be used to pay for anything that results in a “more than incidental” benefit to the donor including dinner tickets, membership fees, golf tournament fees, admission tickets, raffle tickets, event sponsorships or other similar gifts.

Beyond a donation, how can I support the nonprofit on Brazos Valley Gives Day?

After donations have been made, supporters can spread the word among friends about Brazos Valley Gives Day and the good work nonprofits do in our community. We invite you to share your Brazos Valley Gives Day story at or on Twitter @BVGives. Nonprofits may also have online media campaigns or other ideas to promote the day. Nonprofits in the region will be hosting special activities for donors on Giving Day.

I have a Donor-Advised Fund at the Community Foundation. Can I make my donation from that fund?

Yes. Donations made via Community Foundation donor-advised funds will not be subject to the credit card processing fees. Grant recommendation forms must be signed and dated by the fund holder. Grant recommendation forms should be emailed to on Brazos Valley Gives Day or prior to October 22. Please indicate that the grant is for Brazos Valley Gives Day.

How will donors be recognized?

Donors will receive an immediate acknowledgement and tax receipt from the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley via email. Nonprofits will have the opportunity to thank donors as well and let them know how their donation will be used. Donors can choose to make anonymous donations and will still receive a tax-receipt; however, the donor will not receive an acknowledgement from the nonprofit organization.

How can I find out more about the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley?

Visit our website at or call 979.589.4305 to schedule a meeting to discuss your interest in establishing a fund or leaving a planned gift in your will/bequest to benefit your favorite nonprofit[s]. Note: The Foundation will be launching a new, enhanced website very soon.

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