Brazos County To Lose Over 20 Extension Jobs

Over 20 employees of A&M’s AgriLife Extension’s workforce based in Brazos County are losing their jobs. To meet the state’s five percent budget reduction, Extension announced 94 positions are gone statewide as of November first.

One-fourth of the staffing cut comes at AgriLife’s headquarters in College Station. And associate director for county programs Darrell Dromgoole says Brazos County is losing its Urban and Youth Development Agent.

Counties with one or two agents were spared. But in Brazos and larger counties, Dromgoole says more responsibilty will be placed on volunteers.

Statewide, 33 field agents are affected. Dromgoole hopes to transfer as many as possible as future openings come up.

This is the first downsizing at AgriLife Extension since 2003.

Click below to hear comments from Darrell Dromgoole in a recap from WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

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