Brazos County Republicans Have Five Primary Races

There are 21 Republican candidates seeking one of five positions in the March third Republican primary in Brazos County.

The list from county chairman David Hilburn shows 12 want to be the next member of Congress.

Three of the 12 from the Bryan/College Station area are Trent Sutton, Todd Kent, and Elianor Vessali.

Two from the Austin area are Ahmad Adnan and George Hindman.

One who has no online presence is Jeff Oppenheim.

The remaining six, who are from the Waco area, are Scott Bland, Renee Swann, Kristen Alamo Rowin, David Saucedo, Pete Sessions, and Laurie Godfrey McReynolds.

Brazos County Republicans have three candidates for county commissioner in precinct one, Steve Aldrich, Michael Ruesink, and Michael Schaefer.

Seeking the GOP nomination for 272nd district court judge are John Brick and George “Jerrell” Wise.

Seeking the GOP nomination for Brazos County sheriff are Wayne Dicky and Jason James.

And seeking the GOP nomination for Brazos County attorney are Eric Quisenberry and Earl Gray.

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