The Brazos County health department (BCHD) doesn’t keep track of September flu cases because the normal flu season runs from October through March.
For comparative purposes, in October and November of last year there was a combined 54 cases. That’s almost one-seventh the 362 cases reported the last two weeks in Brazos County.
The health department provided the total number flu cases For the months of October and November since 2013:
2013: 110
2014: 129
2015: 54
Original story:
The Brazos County health department (BCHD) has updated the number of flu cases.
BCHD has also changed the number of flu cases reported between August 26 and September 2 from 253 to 248 due to duplication of some patients.
Between September 2 and September 6, there has been another 114 cases; for a total of 362 cases.
Health department officials encourage individuals to take the following precautions to prevent the spread of flu.
• Get your flu shot
• Cover your mouth and nose
• Clean your hands
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
• Avoid close contact with people who are already sick
• If you get sick, stay home
• If you feel sick, call your doctor
The health department advises everyone six months of age and older to get a flu shot.