Brazos County Flu Cases Up From Last Year But Way Down From Two Prior Seasons

The Brazos County health department reports more flu cases this winter compared with the year before.

From the last week of September 2016 through the end of January 2017, there have been 434 cases. That’s up from 141 from this time last year.

But those numbers dwarf in comparison to two years ago when local doctors and hospitals dealt with more than 2200 cases, and almost 1400 in 2013.

Among the annual reminders from the health department to reduce the spread of the bug, are covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, washing hands, if you feel sick call your doctor, if you get sick, stay home, and everyone six months and older getting a flu shot.

Tables of flu activity from the Brazos County health department.
Tables of flu activity from the Brazos County health department.

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