Brazos County Commissioners Vote 3-2 To Include Proposed Pay Raises In Next Year’s Budget

Screen shot from a Brazos County document.
Screen shot from a Brazos County document.

Brazos County commissioners voted three to two during Tuesday’s meeting to include in next year’s budget proposal, pay raises of up to eight and a half percent for all county employees.

The proposal calls for a 7.5% cost of living increase and employees being eligible for an additional 1% merit increase.

Voting yes were county judge Duane Peters and commissioners Irma Cauley and Nancy Berry.

Commissioner Steve Aldrich, who voted no, said it was his intent to give raises to 41 fulltime county employees so they would be earning an “average living wage” of $16.41 per hour.

Commissioner Russ Ford, who voted no, said they have not determined if next year’s budget can be done without requiring a revenue increase.

County auditor Katie Conner said as of last week, there is enough money to fund the raises without adding new revenue in next year’s county budget.

Peters said a budget with no new revenue will be difficult to achieve because 35 percent of the county budget are funding state mandates. Peters also said there may be cuts elsewhere in next year’s budget in order to pay for the raises.

The proposed pay raises was one of five items included in the motion that was passed. Aldrich was unsuccessful in separating the raises from the other items, which would (1) keep the employee’s share of health insurance premiums the same while increasing the county’s share by $564 a year per employee, (2) not change the county’s contribution to the Texas County and District Retirement System, (3) not add any money to the county’s unemployment insurance fund, and (4) update workers compensation rates.

Click below for comments from the June 14, 2022 Brazos County commission meeting.

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