Brazos County Commissioners Exploring Solid Waste Ordinance To Reduce The Chance Of A Landfill Being Built

Limiting the location of a future landfill in Brazos County was the topic of a recent county commission workshop.

County judge Duane Peters wants an ordinance to restrict where a landfill can be built.

Peters says they are looking for at least one hundred acres that is not located in a flood plain and not in the extraterritorial jurisdictions of any incorporated cities.

Peters says once the county designates a location, that is the only place where a landfill can be built unless the applicant comes before the commission.

Peters also says the designated location does not prevent anything else from being built.

The county judge says he is trying to avoid what happened in Waller County several years ago, when county commissioners were unprepared for an outside company wanting to build a landfill.

Click below for comments from Duane Peters, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

Listen to “Brazos County commissioners are exploring a new solid waste ordinance to reduce the chance of a landfill being built” on Spreaker.

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