Brazos County Commissioners Award An $11 Million Design Contract That Starts Work On An “Inner Loop” Highway

Screen shot from a Brazos County document.
Screen shot from a Brazos County document.

The next step is taken towards the future construction of a highway looping to the east of Bryan and College Station.

Brazos County commissioners at their February 6 meeting, awarded an $11 million dollar design contract for what they are calling an “inner loop” from Highway six north of Bryan to William D. Fitch in College Station.

Purchasing agent Charles Wendt said in the two years it will take to complete the contract, there will be an estimated cost and a proposed route.

The county’s 45 pages of requirements includes the consultant holding 100 meetings with property owners in the possible path of the highway, 25 meetings with stakeholders, and 25 meetings with undefined agencies. From those 150 meetings, the consultant is required to respond to issues related to the design.

County documents also say that the design consultant will address how the highway will cross 58 pipelines, 11 electric transmission lines, and an undisclosed number of water and other utility lines. Another private company that has been hired to acquire right of way is supposed to finalize its recommendations by the end of this year.

Funding for the design contract comes from a $100 million dollar bond issue that Brazos County voters approved in November of 2022.

Click HERE to read and download Brazos County’s 45 page request for proposal document on this project.

Click HERE to read and download the main contract that was approved at the February 6, 2024 county commission meeting.

Click HERE to read and download the supplemental contract that was approved at the February 6, 2024 county commission meeting.

Click below to hear comments from the February 6, 2024 Brazos County commission meeting.


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