The Brazos Animal Shelter and the City of Bryan are parting ways.
The explanation from a joint news release was the shelter does not have space at their new home on Leonard Road and the shelter does not have enough staff to operate two facilities.
Starting July 1st, the City of Bryan will staff the Finfeather Road facility only to impound animals.
Shelter Board President Judy LeUnes says at one point, the city considered paying for an addition at Leonard Road.
Comments from Judy LeUnes.
Last March, the College Station City Council entered a 10 year agreement with the Brazos shelter. And LeUnes has visited with Brazos County Judge Duane Peters about extending that agreement past September 30th.
More from Judy LeUnes.
Last week, county commissioners took no action after visiting with their legal and financial staff in executive session.
Meantime, LeUnes says construction is wrapping up on a new building to take care of shelter contracts and their needs.
Size of building not large enough for animals from Bryan.
Click HERE for more comments from Judy LeUnes, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.
From a joint news release by the Brazos Animal Shelter and the City of Bryan:
The Brazos Animal Shelter, Inc. and the City of Bryan are ending their animal shelter service agreement effective June 30, 2011.
The animal sheltering goals of the City of Bryan and the Brazos Animal Shelter are similar: a community offering quality animal services, including foster programs, adoption programs, education programs, and low-cost spay/neuter programs for restricted income individuals.
The similar goals may enable the two entities to continue to partner in the future but through different arrangements than currently agreed.
The Brazos Animal Shelter does not have space at their new Leonard Road facility for Bryan’s animals, nor do they have sufficient staffing to operate two facilities.
The current animal shelter facility, located on Finfeather Road, will be operated by the City of Bryan as an impoundment facility.
Once the Brazos Animal Shelter completes their campus facility, the three governmental entities may be with one service provider again.
In addition, the City of Bryan wishes to focus their animal sheltering initiatives on animal control, while Brazos Animal Shelter focuses on education efforts and programs.
As a result of the decision to end the current animal sheltering services relationship between the City of Bryan and Brazos Animal Shelter, the City will move forward with a city-operated impoundment facility that will be functional by July 1, 2011.
Both parties are hopeful mutually beneficial relationships in the future are possible.