Blinn College Wins State Grant for Hospital Simulation Equipment

Information courtesy of Blinn College.

Blinn College has won a grant from the Texas Comptroller worth almost $300,000 that will be used to create the most realistic simulation experience possible for tomorrow’s health care professionals.

Blinn was awarded $292,177 from the state’s Job Building Fund, which was designed by the Texas Legislature to fund training in high-demand occupations. The College is required to fund 5 percent of the project, totaling $15,390. Toward that end, College Station Medical Center has pledged a $2,500 donation.

Blinn was previously awarded a $350,000 JET grant in 2010. The funding furthered Blinn’s efforts to purchase more sophisticated “high fidelity” simulation mannequins, a significant step up from the College’s older, “medium fidelity” mannequins. 

These more expensive and advanced mannequins represent the leading edge of simulation technology and boost Blinn’s nursing and allied health endeavors into the realm of the elite programs with such capabilities nationwide.

The grant will allow Blinn to continue upgrading its simulation mannequins and populate more patient beds in its simulated hospital. The advanced mannequins have considerably more “human” functions than older models, from blood pressure, pulse and urination to almost any bodily function a health practitioner could encounter in the real world.

Blinn’s Thena Parrott visits with WTAW’s Chelsea Reber, May 15, 2012

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