Best of the Brazos Valley Nomination Period is Open

The nomination period is now open for Best of the Brazos Valley.

Caitlin Curbello-Rodriguez, from Bryan Broadcasting Publications, said you can nominate your favorite businesses, people or organizations for a variety of categories.

“Best new business, best hair salon, best plumber service. Everything you can imagine,” said Curbello-Rodriguez.

The nomination period is open through the beginning of May.

“This is really community driven, so we want everyone to be as involved as they possibly can. Show those businesses in the community some love because they deserve that. They’re serving us and you’re a part of their families, so let’s make it a nice, lively competition,” said Curbello-Rodriguez.

Voting will start June 1, 2019.

Click here to submit your nomination.

Listen to “Bryan Broadcasting Publication’s Caitlin Curbello-Rodriguez discussed Best of the Brazos Valley Nominations” on Spreaker.

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