Become a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar

Voter registration for next month’s general election is next Tuesday.

If you’re interested in recruiting new voters, Brazos County Voter Registrar Kristy Roe says there is still time to sign up for a volunteer workshop Thursday afternoon.

The workshop is required for anyone who wants to sign up new voters then return those forms to the registrar’s office.

Call Roe’s office at 979-361-4470 for more information about the workshop.

Kristy Roe visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver about Thursday’s volunteer voter registrar workshop.

Roe says Tuesday, October 9 is the deadline for voter registration. That’s because the normal deadline was Saturday and the following Monday is a federal holiday.

Kristy Roe explains why the voter registration deadline is October 9 and who is affected.

Click HERE to be directed to the Brazos County elections website.

Click HERE to be directed to the Texas Secretary of State’s elections website.

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