B/CS Chamber Of Commerce Promoting Non-Profit Organizations At This Week’s Membership Luncheon

80 of the 1,550 members of the Bryan/College Station chamber of commerce are non-profit agencies.

That was part of the message at this week’s membership luncheon, titled “Business Leaders Engaging Nonprofits”.

Chamber president Glen Brewer officially announced the formation of a new chamber committee offering non profits and other chamber members the opportunity to network.

A partner in the new chamber committee is the two year old center for non-profits and philanthropy at Texas A&M’s Bush school. Director Will Brown and board member Doug French were among the luncheon speakers.

Another speaker was Texas A&M associate vice president for external affairs Chad Wootton.

Click below for comments from Glen Brewer, Chad Wootton, Will Brown, and Doug French.

Listen to “Benefits of non profit agencies the theme of B/CS chamber membership luncheon” on Spreaker.

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