Arlington BallPark Railing to rise

The Texas Rangers announced yesterday that they will raise all front row railings to 42 inches as soon as possible. The change follows the tragic death of Ranger fan Shannon Stone after the Brownwood firefighter fell to his death after catching a ball that had been tossed to the stands by Ranger left fielder Josh Hamilton on July 7th.

 42 inches is the current height of the rails in front of only aisles at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. The current height of other front row railings is between 30 and 34 inches. The International Building Code minimum height is 26 inches.

  It’s not yet decided whether the team can add height to the current railings or if the railing will have to be totally replaced or if it can be completed during this season.


In the meantime, fans at the team’s upcoming seven-game homestand  will notice warning signage on the rails and PA announcements will be made warning fans not to lean, sit on or stand against rails. 

 Also security and customer service personnel will be stationed to enforce the policies.

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