The Texas A&M System Board of Regents has approved the recruitment of additional researchers. Chancellor John Sharp says $100 million dollars will be available over the next three years. Sharp says he and A&M President Bowen Loftin will appoint committees that will screen recruitment targes for the flagship campus and at Prairie View.
More information courtesy of the A&M System:
The Chancellor’s Research Initiative (CRI) will provide one-time funds to Texas A&M University and Prairie View A&M University for the recruitment and hiring of faculty members.
The CRI will provide $33 million each year for FY 2013 and FY 2014, and $34 million for FY 2015. The funding for the initiative will come from the annual Available University Fund (AUF) distribution. Sharp said that the A&M System was particularly interested in candidates who have a proven track record of success in developing and implementing large, multi-investigator, federally funded programs such as NSF Engineering Research Centers, NSF Materials Research Science & Engineering Centers, foundations that support the liberal arts and other funding mechanisms of similar scope and scale.
In addition, candidates will be evaluated on their ability to augment federal funding with additional support from commercial and/or non-profit sources; alignment of their area of study with current/future national funding priorities and university strategic thrusts; and a track record of their trainees successfully obtaining federal funding.
John Sharp visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver about the new effort to recruit researchers.
The regents also approved a more than $14 million dollar addition to the Bright football complex. A new Sports Nutrition Center will be located over the second floor outdoor plaza area on the north side, and there will be an expansion and renovation of the Bright building’s main lobby area on the south side.
Click HERE to read the background information on the Bright complex expansion and renovation.