Additional State Funding For Pre-K Programs in College Station & Bryan ISD’s

Four year olds will have three education options in the College Station school district next year. CSISD communications director Chuck Glenewinkel says funding announced last week by the state education department will create 18 slots for full day pre-kindergarten. That’s in addition to College Station’s existing half-day pre-K and Headstart. Glenewinkel says selection of where four year old will attend in CSISD next school year is based on information from applications submitted by the children’s parents.

Click below for comments from Chuck Glenewinkel, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver:


Bryan superintendent Tommy Wallis says they are in process of determining how to use an increase of a few thousand dollars for next year in their existing half day pre-K program.

Statement from Bryan ISD superintendent Tommy Wallis about state funding for pre-kindergarten programs:

“We are very pleased that Gov. Abbott and the state of Texas chose to support Pre-K education with the passing of HB4,” Bryan ISD Superintendent Tommy Wallis said. “However, since our Pre-K funding will only increase a by a few thousand dollars next year and many districts will see a marginal increase in funding, we would like to see a much greater commitment to Pre-K education from Texas lawmakers in the future. We are in the process of determining how we will use the increased funds, but are excited for the new crop of Bryan ISD Pre-K children who will register July 27 at Kemp-Carver Elementary.”

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