Update Wednesday at 4:45 p.m.
The TxDOT district office in Bryan reports no roadways are closed due to flooding in Burleson County. However, we are making some repairs to FM 60 west and FM 2155 and this should be complete by dark.
In Milam County, FM 1915, just north of Buckholts is still closed due to water over the roadway. If we don’t have anymore rain, we should have it open by midnight tonight.
TxDOT ask motorists to please slow down and drive to conditions.
Update Wednesday at 1:15 p.m.
The TxDOT district office in Bryan reports FM 696 is now open in Burleson County.
Update Wednesday at 1 p.m.
The TxDOT district office in Bryan reports in Burleson County, FM 696, FM 2155, and RR 04 are closed due to water over the roadway. There is damage to the roadway on FM 1361 and we are working on it. In Milam County, FM 1915 North at Buckholts and FM 485 West of US 77 at North Elm Creek are closed due to high water.
The Washington County Emergency Management Office reports trees are down in Independence at the intersection of FM 50 and FM 390.
Summary Wednesday 10:30 a.m.
The TxDOT district office in Bryan reports water over the following roads in Burleson County: FM 696, FM 166 and FM 2039. There is also some road edge damage on FM 60 W.
The Burleson County sheriff’s office reports several county roads in the Deanville area are closed due to high water: CR 116, 117, 119, 132, 133, 134, 138, and 144. Also closed is Pin Oak Drive.
The Waller County sheriff’s office reports water over Highway 290 at the Highway 6 exit, the FM 1776 exit, and at Sorsby.