The Division of Finance and Administration at Texas A&M University held a public forum on Tuesday to discuss tuition and fee plans for the 2015-2015 academic year.
The proposals included were a 1.93% increase from current tuition levels, a $2.32 per student credit hour increase in the University Advancement Fee, and an increase in program fees for selected graduate programs.
Dr. Jerry Strawser, Vice President for Finance, said the almost two percent increase is based on the last four years’ Consumer Price Index.
“If you’re a general studies it’s an [extra] $124 a semester. If you’re in engineering, it’s $140. The reason for this is the 1.93% is obviously going to differ depending on what the base cost is,” Dr. Strawser said.
The $2.32 per credit hour fee increase will go towards Transportation Services.
Dr. Strawser said with the growth of the university, the demand for buses and transit services has increased.
He said it is necessary for the university to be able to transport its students both safely and on time.
If passed, these proposals will affect incoming freshmen, transfer students and current students enrolled beyond their normal program length.
The proposals will go in front of the Board of Regents next week.