Don’t Fall For A Jury Duty Scam

News release courtesy of the Bryan police department:

The Brazos County Sheriff’s Office and Bryan Police Department are currently investigating a number of recent incidents in the county where citizens have received calls from one or more individuals posing as an officer with the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office or Bryan Police Department telling them that a warrant is being issued on them for failure to appear for jury duty.

In several of the reported incidents, an individual claiming to be an officer, or individual representing the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office or Bryan Police Department, tells the called party that they can take care of the warrant by having them give payment over the phone in the form of a “Green Dot” or prepaid cards.

This same jury scam has been occurring throughout the U.S. over the past several months.

The Brazos County Sheriff’s Office does not solicit payments or confirm any payments over the phone for any warrants, fines or citations.

The Bryan Police Department is not involved with the jury duty process at all.

Administrative Offices for both departments are open Monday–Friday 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and closed on weekends and holidays.

Do not give any payment information over the phone to anyone claiming they are a law enforcement or warrant officer from the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office or Bryan Police Department.

If you receive a phone call such as this and are concerned a warrant will be issued call your local law enforcement agency to verify the information.

Click below for comments from Bryan police officer Kelley McKethan, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

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