Local Law Enforcement Mingle With A&M Football Players and Coaches

Local law enforcement meets all the time with public groups. But there was special attention to this week’s barbecue held at the home of Texas A&M System Chancellor John Sharp.

The invitation only event included A&M football coaches and players and more than 20 members of the Bryan and College Station police departments.

Bryan assistant chief Curtis Darby says the invite was issued two or three weeks ago, which was before an armed robbery that led to this week’s arrests of two former players. Darby says the arrests were not a key topic of conversation but it was something he heard in small group settings. He described the reaction that “it’s sad that it happened because a lot of people associate that now with the team, when actually that was the the actions of two individuals (and) not the actions of the entire team.”


Also attending was College Station police Lt. Chuck Fleeger. He said none of his conversations included the arrests. The interaction reminded him of meetings he’s had with homeowners associations and attending National Night Out block parties. He said his banter with the players was about fishing, baseball, the upcoming football season, and the growth of the community.


Darby also says the players raised money for the 100 Club, the Houston based non-profit that has supported the families of local law enforcement and firefighters who have died in recent on the job incidents.

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