Special Session Called by Governor Perry

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ Gov. Rick Perry is calling the Texas Legislature to meet in special session to address redistricting, the process of redrawing voting maps.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said he heard from Perry just moments after the regular session of the 83rd Legislature ended.

A panel of federal judges drew the political maps used for the 2012 election because minority groups challenged in court the ones drawn in the state Legislature, claiming they were discriminatory.

Since then, a three-judge panel in Washington has ruled that the maps drawn by the Republican-dominated Legislature in 2011 discriminate against minorities. The judges threw the House, Senate and Congressional district maps out.

A San Antonio court is now considering drawing new maps. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott wants the Legislature to formally adopt the current maps.


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst is asking Gov. Rick Perry to call a special session to address limits on abortion and other conservative priorities, and he wants to jettison traditional Senate voting rules to let Republicans push them through.

Dewhurst sent letters Monday to Perry and House Speaker Joe Straus outlining his plan. Lawmakers are set to adjourn their regular session on Monday and expect Perry to call them immediately into a special session.

Dewhurst gave a copy of the letter to The Associated Press.

Democrats have been able to block several key votes on abortion bills and other conservative issues such as gun rights and school choice. Dewhurst said he sees “no alternative” to letting Republicans get their way through a simple majority rules approach.

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