Perry Vetos Political Finance Proposal

Governor Perry has vetoed a political finance proposal supported by members of the Brazos County legislative delegation. Senate Bill 346 would have required 501-c-4 non profits to disclose the names of contributors who are giving at least $1,000 dollars to political causes.

Among those voting in favor were State Representatives John Raney of Bryan and Kyle Kacal of rural College Station and Senator Charles Schwertner of Georgetown.

Comments from Charles Schwertner.

Here is the Governor’s prepared statement:

“Freedom of association and freedom of speech are two of our most important rights enshrined in the Constitution. My fear is that SB 346 would have a chilling effect on both of those rights in our democratic political process. While regulation is necessary in the administration of Texas political finance laws, no regulation is tolerable that puts anyone’s participation at risk or that can be used by any government, organization or individual to intimidate those who choose to participate in our process through financial means.”

“At a time when our federal government is assaulting the rights of Americans by using the tools of government to squelch dissent it is unconscionable to expose more Texans to the risk of such harassment, regardless of political, organizational or party affiliation. I therefore veto SB 346.”

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