New Year’s Safety Tips From the Bryan Police Department

New Year’s Eve means additional law enforcement will be on the streets.

Officer Kelley McKethan says Bryan police are using their S.T.E.P. program, or selective traffic enforcement program, which allows them to have extra officers on the street watching for drunk drivers.

McKethan says that includes a no-refusal policy for suspected drunk drivers, and if drivers  refuse to give a breath or blood sample, it will result in police getting a court order.

McKethan also reminds citizens  not to fire handguns.

She says it’s a class B misdemeanor that carries an approximately $2000 fine, and it’s simple logic that what goes up must come down, sometimes causing great damage to persons and property.

McKethan says in the past there have been bullets that have come down into homes.

Finally, she advises citizens to keep fireworks out of the city.

Mere possession of fireworks within the city limits is prohibited, and McKethan says you can receive a citation even if you aren’t shooting them off.

Grant money is paying for the additional enforcement.

Kelley McKethan visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver

Additional information, courtesy of Bryan Police Department:

New Year’s Eve Celebration Tips
The Bryan Police Department encourages you to have a safe and fun New Year’s Eve celebration by keeping the safety of others in mind. 
The Bryan Police Department will have extra staffing out on the streets this weekend to combat illegal activities.
Loud Music
We encourage people to be mindful of their neighbors when having parties. 
Officers will be out issuing citations for loud noise calls. 
Please keep music and noise down to a polite level during your celebrations. 
A class C citation for loud music can cost you up to $500 plus court costs.
Drinking and Driving
It is estimated that every 20 minutes in Texas, someone is injured or killed as a result of a crash involving alcohol. 
Alcohol consumption typically increases during the holiday season; therefore, the Bryan Police Department will be utilizing the STEP (Selective Traffic Enforcement Program) Grant to have additional Officer’s working the New Year’s holiday to enforce DWI offenses. 
Bryan Officers will have zero tolerance for anyone behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after drinking alcoholic beverages.
Officers will also use the no refusal concept where a search warrant for blood will be requested when a driver refuses to give a voluntary chemical sample.  
A DWI is a misdemeanor B and comes with a punishment of a fine up to $2,000, 3 to 180 days in jail, loss of a driver’s license up to a year, and annual fees of $1000 to keep your license valid. 
Those penalties are just for first time offenders with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 to 0.15. 
After that it gets tougher with increased fines and penalties. 
Here are a few tips to stay safe this New Year’s: 
  • Don’t Drink and Drive
  • Have a P.A.S.S. (Person Appointed to Stay Sober)
  • TxDot campaign to reduce incidences of drunk driving and encourage young adults to plan ahead for the weekend by getting a Weekend P.A.S.S. and pass your keys off to someone sober.
  • Call a taxi – if you are in a group, you can split the cab fare
  • Call a friend – contact a sober friend to give you a ride home
  • Call a tow truck – have them tow your vehicle home
  • Call your parents or relatives – they would rather pick you up than get you out of jail
  • Plan on staying the night at your location
  Celebratory Gunfire Prohibited
“Celebratory gunfire” is the indiscriminate firing of a weapon into the air. 
Every year in America on New Year’s Eve, lives are lost as a result of “celebratory gunfire.” 
Many people are unaware of the dangers related to firing a weapon into the air and often do so without regard as to where the bullet may fall. 
When a bullet comes down it is traveling at a fatal velocity. 
Disorderly Conduct with a firearm in the city limits is a class B misdemeanor that comes with jail time and a fine up to $2000.
Please do not fire any weapons in to the air or at the ground.
Citizens are urged to call 911 and report any unlawful discharge of a firearm.
Fireworks Prohibited
Possessing fireworks in the city limits is prohibited and you can receive a citation for $500 plus court costs.
Avoiding the use of fireworks can lower the risk of personal injury and fire in our community.

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