American Airlines Limits Passengers for Safety Upgrades

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) _ American Airlines is limiting the number of passengers on some jets while it orders more life rafts in case of a water landing.

Fort Worth-based American says it will allow no more than 228 people on its Boeing 767-300s. The jets, used on overseas flights, normally hold 236.

Spokesman Tim Wagner says American added seats when redesigning business-class cabins. American says it never endangered passengers, who have other flotation devices — like seat cushions.

Federal Aviation Administration rules for flying over large bodies of water require enough room on life rafts for everyone on board — plus carrying an extra raft.

A US Airways jet ditched into the Hudson River in New York this month. Everyone on board survived.

Delta, Dallas-based Southwest Airlines and Houston-based Continental Airlines say their planes meet FAA rules on flotation devices.

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