City of College Station Budgets Another Workforce Reduction

Next year’s College Station city budget calls for ten fewer employees.

Spokesman Jay Socol says City Manager David Neeley sent an e-mail Thursday to city employees.

Click HERE to read a copy of the e-mail sent by David Neeley, provided by the City of College Station.

Comments from Jay Socol on WTAW’s The Infomaniacs.

Socol says between now and October 1, a number of options will be worked through, including retirement, transition to other positions, priority for rehire into other city vacancies, contract employment, and even assistance with job placement outside the organization.

Socol says all proposed changes for the fiscal year 2013 budget allow resources to be redirected toward additional public safety needs, street maintenance and other core services.

The 10 full-time equivalent positions (3.5 vacant, 6.5 filled) proposed to be removed are 5 in Parks & Recreation, 2 in Planning & Development Services, 1 in Information Technology, 1 in Public Communications, and 2 part-time Utility Customer Service positions.

From a historical perspective, Socol says over the past four years (FY 2009-2012), 43.75 full-time positions have been removed due to various reorganizations and budget cuts. During that same four-year period, 35 full-time positions were added to the Fire and Police departments.  It essentially has resulted in a reallocation of resources, both human and financial, from non-public safety areas of the city to public safety. Steps for FY 2013 take those numbers to 53.75 full-time positions removed since FY 2009.

Socol says the identified FY 2013 reductions will result in the savings of $501,344.  All told, the City of College Station has removed $7.1 million from its operations and maintenance budget since FY 2009.

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