Shooting in South Brazos County Injures Estranged Couple

A Sunday night shooting in southern Brazos County has an estranged couple hospitalized in critical condition.

Sheriff Chris Kirk says 24 year old Cassandra Ross of Navasota was in the kitchen of a weekend home on Navasota Ridge, south of Millican, when gunfire from the outside came through a window and struck her in the head.

Kirk says deputies found the shooter, 42 year old Daniel Barker, laying down in the woods about 250 feet away.

Kirk says Barker had a gunshot wound to his chest, fired from the same rifle used to shoot Ross.

Kirk says Ross was alone in the kitchen when she was hit. Elsewhere in the house were Ross’s five year old daughter, another woman, and two men. No one else was injured.

Sheriff Chris Kirk visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

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