House Speaker Hints at Possible Furloughs

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) _ An expansion of gambling has been suggested as Texas faces a projected shortfall that some lawmakers say could hit $18 billion.

Speaker Joe Straus has told Texas House budget writers that they’ll have to handle a state shortfall of at least $11 billion without new taxes. Straus also raised the possibility of unpaid furloughs and four-day workweeks for state workers.

Details came during a hearing Tuesday in Austin by the House Appropriations Committee. Committee Chairman Jim Pitts of Waxahachie says legalized gambling would be a possible money-raising option. Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst both say they oppose any expansion of gambling in Texas.

State agencies have submitted proposals to cut current-year budgets by 5 percent. Officials have said those savings will only amount to about $1.7 billion.

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