BBB Advises New Scam Making Rounds

Thanks to Bill McGuire of the local Better Business Bureau for sharing the latest scam making the rounds.

McGuire reported a senior citizen contacted him Thursday afternoon to report she received a call from someone representing something called Financial Link Solutions from Orlando, Florida with a phone number of 888.577.7963.

The rep said they help people to get lower rates on their Visa or MasterCard credit cards. The rep knew the first six numbers of my caller’s credit card, and she promptly gave the lady calling her the rest of the numbers. She also gave the numbers on a second card. My caller then said that she didn’t suppose they could help with a Discover card, but the lady said yes.  McGuire says that’s when his caller started smelling a rat. She heard several other voices in the background of people talking to others on the phone. The rep said she could get the companies to lower the rate to 6% in most cases.

After she hung up the phone, she immediately called a friend who told her to call McGuire.  Before she did that, McGuire says the woman contacted her credit card companies and cancelled both cards.

McGuire says a search in the BBB database using the phone number and a company came up attached to that exact number, but with the name Green Care Consulting Firm with an address of 616 Corporate Way, Valley Cottage, NY 10989. They are supposedly a General Contractor and Green Builder. McGuire believes it’s a phony company and has contacted the BBB in New York.

McGuire says the best and safest way to lower the rate on your credit cards is to contact customer service and request it from the credit card company itself. No one else has any authority to act on behalf of those companies.

McGuire says what happened Thursday was another example in a long and unending line of scams that are perpetrated daily on an unsuspecting and trusting population. Do not give your credit card information or any of your private personal information to anyone calling you on the telephone.

For more information, call the local Better Business Bureau at 979-260-2222 or click HERE to go to the BBB website.

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