Online Campaign Provides Legal Aid for Cheerleader

SILSBEE, Texas (AP) _ An online campaign is under way to help pay the court costs of a former Southeast Texas cheerleader who lost a lawsuit against her school district stemming from an incident involving an athlete she says raped her.

The cheerleader for Silsbee High School, who was 16, stood by silently and refused to cheer for the star basketball player at a 2009 game. The school suspended her as a cheerleader, and she later filed a federal court lawsuit.

A judge dismissed the suit and ordered the girl’s family to pay the district’s $40,000 in legal costs. Victims’ advocates are raising money online to help the family.

School officials contended the punishment was justified because the athlete had not been charged at the time. He later pleaded guilty to reduced assault charges.

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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