College Station Police Arrests For Pointing A Gun Out Of A Car In The Northgate District And A Hit And Run Involving A Hotel Building And Two Vehicles

Last weekend’s arrests by College Station police in the Northgate district includes an officer seeing a passenger in a car point an A-R 15 style rifle out a window. After stopping the car Sunday (June 30) after 1:30 in the morning, officers found the rifle and a handgun. Neither were reported stolen. The officer wrote in his arrest report that displaying the rifle was done in a manner calculated to alarm those in Northgate. That led to the arrest of a 24 year old man from Crockett for disorderly conduct for displaying the rifle and unlawful carrying of a weapon because it was not holstered. Marcus Javon Smith is out of jail after posting bonds totaling $8,000 dollars.

A guest at a College Station hotel was arrested last weekend (June 29) on warrants accusing him of leaving the scene of a crash in the hotel’s parking lot last February. The College Station police arrest report says video evidence identified a car that struck the side of the Hampton Inn on Texas and two vehicles before leaving. The driver told the investigating officer after the crash he returned to his room and fell asleep. He also said that he did not have insurance on the car. 52 year old David Riedel of College Station is out of jail after posting bonds totaling $6,000 thousand dollars. Damage to the hotel was $9,500 dollars and the combined damage to the vehicles was more than $14,000 dollars.

Photos of (L-R) Marcus Javon Smith and David Riedel from
Photos of (L-R) Marcus Javon Smith and David Riedel from

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