College Station Council Discussion After A Member Describes The Construction Of “Horrifically Ugly” Rental Housing

A panoramic photo of rental housing under construction on Highland north of Fidelity in College Station, June 29, 2024.
A panoramic photo of rental housing under construction on Highland north of Fidelity in College Station, June 29, 2024.

Construction of new rental housing south of the Texas A&M campus was discussed at the end of the last College Station city council meeting (June 27).

Councilwoman Linda Harvell described as “horrifically ugly”, three story rental structures on Highland north of Fidelity.

Harvell asked if the city could create architectural standards. She was told that was not allowed by state law.

Then councilman Bob Yancy brought up potential fire safety issues with the three story rentals.

A council majority supported discussing a future workshop, what the city can and can not do.

Click below to hear comments from the June 27, 2024 College Station city council meeting.


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