City Of College Station Is Launching A New Service For Those Impacted By Housing Insecurity

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In September 2023, the College Station city council awarded Twin City Mission a contract to administer a federal grant to assist College Station residents who are dealing with homelessness.

Wednesday (June 26) is the official launch of a three year, $1.74 million dollar grant.

Raney Whitwell at the city’s community development office says case managers from Twin City Mission will meet affected residents where they are, so that residents don’t have to deal with scheduling trips to Bryan where most social service agencies are located.

The L.E.A.D. program is an acronym for Lifeline for Stability, Empowerment through Education, Access to Resources, and a Dedicated Support System.

Whitwell says the grant uses a three pronged approach to address the causes of homelessness…trauma informed case management, navigating available benefits and resources, and life and financial coaching.

A ribbon cutting and reception to begin the program is scheduled Wednesday (June 26) from two until four p.m. at College Station city hall.

Whitwell says the city is expecting 70 to 100 households each year will receive services. Interested College Station residents can call or e-mail Twin City Mission.

Click HERE to be directed to more information from a city of College Station blog post.

Click below to hear comments from Raney Whitwell, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

Listen to “The city of College Station is launching a new service for those impacted by housing insecurity” on Spreaker.

News release from the city of College Station:

As homelessness continues to affect vulnerable populations, the City of College Station has joined forces with the Twin City Mission to create the L.E.A.D. Program to provide assistance and supportive services. The primary focus is on individuals, families, and other vulnerable and at-risk populations facing housing instability.

The program’s official ribbon-cutting ceremony is Wednesday, June 26, from 2 to 4 p.m. at College Station City Hall.

L.E.A.D. is an acronym for Lifeline for Stability, Empowerment through Education, Access to Resources, and a Dedicated Support System.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has allocated $1.74 million for the program through the HOME Investment Partnership Program – American Rescue Plan. Following a rigorous RFP process, the City of College Station chose the Twin City Mission to receive the funding.

L.E.A.D.’s Key Components

• Trauma-Informed Case Management: The program recognizes trauma as an underlying cause of homelessness and housing instability. Case managers provide compassionate, trauma-informed support to address the root causes and help individuals regain stability.

• Benefits Navigation: Identifying available benefits and resources can be overwhelming. The L.E.A.D. program guides participants through the process, ensuring they can access the assistance they need.

• Life and Financial Coaching: Financial literacy and life skills are essential for long-term stability. Coaches empower participants with practical knowledge, helping them make informed decisions to achieve self-sufficiency.

By combining resources and expertise, the City of College Station and Twin City Mission are committed to positively impacting the lives of those in need.

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