Brazos County Commissioners Agree To Hire A Consultant To Study Staffing At the County Jail

Screen shot of the Brazos County jail map from
Screen shot of the Brazos County jail map from

As the Brazos County jail continues to hold a record number of inmates, county commissioners decide to hire a consultant to see if there are enough employees.

Commissioners at their May 28th meeting, approve seeking proposals from consultants and appoint members of a committee that will review the proposals.

Click HERE to read and download the request to advertise seeking consultants to study staffing at the Brazos County jail, which was approved at the May 28, 2024 county commission meeting.

County judge Duane Peters says he hopes that the consultant’s work can be completed in time to incorporate those findings into next year’s budget.

Commissioner Steve Aldrich asked for an update in a future meeting to ongoing efforts to fill vacant positions at the jail.

The inmate population as of June 4th was 844. Capacity is almost 1,100.

Click below to hear comments from the May 28, 2024 Brazos County commission meeting.

Listen to “Brazos County commissioners agree to hire a consultant to study staffing at the county jail” on Spreaker.

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