Supporters And Opponents Of Texas Central’s High Speed Rail Project Reaction To Getting A Federal Grant

Screen shot from the Facebook page of congressman Colin Allred.
Screen shot from the Facebook page of congressman Colin Allred.

The Texas Central high speed rail project between Houston and Dallas has received $500,000 dollars through the president’s infrastructure bill.

Supporters includes congressman Colin Allred of Dallas. Allred posted on his Facebook page a portion of an unidentified committee hearing where he and transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg discussed the importance of connecting the fourth and fifth largest population centers in the U.S.

Click below to hear the audio portion of a conversation posted December 9, 2023 on congressman Colin Allred’s Facebook page between Allred and Pete Buttigieg.


On Texans Against High Speed Rail Facebook page, is a post detailing a meeting involving the organization’s president, Waller County judge Trey Duhon, and the administrator of the federal railroad administration. The post says, among other things, that “foremost of concern is the use of public money and an EIS (environmental impact study) for a private HSR (high speed rail) project that was predicated on the project being “entirely privately financed.”

Screen shot of a post from the Texans Against High Speed Rail Facebook page.
Screen shot of a post from the Texans Against High Speed Rail Facebook page.

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