College Station City Council Moving Ahead With A Consultant’s Study Of A Recreation Center

Screen shot from a city of College Station document.
Screen shot from a city of College Station document.

The College Station city council is moving forward with a consultant’s study on a possible recreation center.

During a discussion at the council’s August 10 meeting, Mayor John Nichols and councilman Mark Smith expressed support for the study.

Three councilmembers who expressed no interest or opposition to a recreation center were Linda Harvell, William Wright, and Bob Yancy.

Councilmembers Elizabeth Cunha and Dennis Maloney expressed interest in a large, air-conditioned facility.

Cunha also wanted a review of the utilization of the city’s Lincoln Recreation Center. One of the public speakers who lives in the Lincoln center neighborhood wanted to return that facility for neighborhood activities.

The council also heard from the owners of three private gyms who opposed a city recreation center.

City manager Bryan Woods says factors to consider include the location, its features, the cost to build, the cost to operate and maintain, the return on investment and community value, possible partnerships, and whether it will be managed by the city or by a outside firm.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials from the August 10, 2023 College Station city council meeting.

Click below to hear comments from the August 10, 2023 College Station city council meeting.

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