No Timeline Set Yet To Start Second Search For Director Of Texas A&M’s New Journalism Program

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The second search by Texas A&M for someone to direct a new journalism program has not started.

After the failed hiring of Kathleen McElroy and the University of Texas professor receiving $1 million dollars to settle her claims against A&M, a university spokesperson confirmed WTAW News discovery that as of August 7, 2023 that there is no job posting on A&M’s employment website.

The spokesperson says the timing is uncertain when the communications and journalism department will start its second search.

The day before the A&M system announced the settlement between McElroy and the university, interim president Mark Welsh responded to reporters questions about the impact of the failed hiring on the new journalism program.

Welsh said “although it is not ideal” not having a director at this time, “it’s not a negative”.

Welsh also said “I think the department head who is doing the hiring and the professors in the journalism department will have a very good plan for how they’re going to move forward to make this a great, great program for students.”

The interim president wants industry professionals, including local reporters, to assist the journalism faculty in teaching students the required ethics in this profession.

Click below for comments from Mark Welsh during his visit with reporters on August 2, 2023.


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