Brazos County has a new veterans services officer (VSO).
County commissioners on Tuesday hired Pamela Robertson, who was a volunteer VSO for the Bryan American Legion post from 2018-2020.
Robertson, who served in the U.S. Army, was among 54 applicants and five finalists.
Her first day on the job is June 21.
The Brazos County veterans service office has been closed since the commission on a 3-2 vote terminated Pat Patterson on May 16.
During the interim, Brazos County veterans were directed to a state office in Temple and a federal office in Waco.
News release from Brazos County:
Brazos County commissioners have named Pamela Robertson as the new Veteran Service Officer for the county.
Robertson is a US Army Veteran and has volunteered as a Veteran Service Officer for the American Legion Post 159 in Bryan.
“Pamela Robertson has a wealth of experience in dealing with the Veterans Affairs system, both on a personal level and in helping others in her volunteer role as a VSO for the American Legion,” says County Judge Duane Peters. “She comes to the county with the highest recommendations from former employers, and I know she will serve our Brazos County Veterans with dignity and respect.”
Robertson has a background in healthcare management, which required her to deliver a high-level of customer service, prepare and manage budgets, and maintain confidentiality.
In her American Legion VSO volunteer role, she has attended many Veteran conferences and events, as well as Service Officer Training.
These qualifications, plus excellent references, made Robertson the commissioners’ choice to serve local Veterans.
Robertson’s first day on the job is Wednesday, June 21, 2023.