More Information About The Brazos Transit District’s Federal Grant Application For A Multi-Use Parking Garage At Midtown Park

Logo from the Brazos Transit District's Twitter account.
Logo from the Brazos Transit District's Twitter account.

A late January meeting between Brazos Transit District (BTD) leaders and Bryan’s mayor led to the district’s application for a federal grant to fund a nearly $25 million dollar parking garage in Midtown Park.

BTD vice president Jo Marlow tells WTAW News there are multiple components to the proposed project at South College and Rountree.

In addition to parking an estimated 1,000 vehicles, the facility would host a trolley service to take passengers between downtown Bryan and College Station’s Northgate district. That would be a throwback to the former Interurban trolley between Bryan and the Texas A&M campus that ended in 1923.

Marlow says the facility would provide charging stations, have access to bicycles and electric scooters, and have a retail component that was also sought by the city.

The grant application followed BTD receiving two acres of land the city council controlled Bryan commerce and development board. There is no additional local contribution in the grant application, which was not required to be considered for this specific federal program.

Click below for comments from Jo Marlow, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

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