Bryan ISD school board members have the recommendations of a 30 member committee that has worked since last September on changing boundaries of elementary and intermediate schools.
Click HERE to read presentation materials from the January 9, 2022 Bryan ISD board meeting.
The BISD board is scheduled to take final action on January 17.
The recommendations were shared during the January 9 BISD board meeting.
Leading the presentation was associate superintendent Barbara Ybarra, who is one of nine BISD administrators on the committee. She said around 250 elementary students will be moved, along with around 600 students beginning fifth grade at the new Sadberry Intermediate school.
The committee included four community members. Speaking was one of the three who is not a former board member. Pastor Sam Hill said there were multiple opportunities to provide opinions, adding that “I’m sure not everybody will be satisfied. I pastor a church and nobody’s ever satisfied.”
One of nine parents on the committee spoke to the board. David Mervish called on the board to engage in salesmanship about the upcoming changes, in part giving “the dirty facts” that went into the recommendations.
One of the recommendations is moving pre-K from Johnson to Bowen elementary. Johnson principal Amy Thomman said that recommendation was made based on pre-K students not meshing with their open campus layout.
Another recommendation involve decreasing enrollment at Henderson elementary, which is within eight students of building capacity. Henderson elementary assistant principal Diana Alderson talked about parents reaction to the recommendation of moving 73 of 566 students.
Even before the board takes its vote, Dr. Ybarra said they are taking applications from parents of next year’s fourth grade students to stay in their present buildings.
And Ybarra said the implementation of the boundary changes will allow students being moved and their parents the opportunity to visit their new campus before the start of the next school year.
Click below for comments from the January 9, 2022 Bryan ISD board meeting.