Brazos County Commissioners Hire Outside Law Firm Regarding Undisclosed Construction Issues At The Juvenile Justice Center

Image from Brazos County.
Image from Brazos County.

There is something with the construction of the expansion of Brazos County’s juvenile detention center that county commissioners approved hiring an Austin law firm at the end of their November 29th meeting.

The commission’s general counsel, Bruce Erratt, says the unidentified problems are not preventing the use of the building “at this time”.

Erratt says the law firm, “which specializes in this kind of work”, will “advise and represent the county in construction litigation”.

Erratt says no decision has been made if the county will file a lawsuit, which he says “is absolutely a last resort”.

The center holds up to 48 juveniles. The population on November 29 was 38.

Click below for comments from Bruce Erratt, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.


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