The Bryan city council’s August 23, 2022 public hearing on the fiscal year 2023 budget included criticism about moving the municipal golf course to develop the new Midtown Park.
The city of Bryan’s chief financial officer, Will Smith, said the old golf course was losing $150,000 to $200,000 dollars a year. Operations of the new course at the former Briarcrest Country Club were nearly breaking even.
City manager Kean Register said the Big Shots entertainment center at the new Midtown Park has drawn 330,000 customers in its first six months of operation. That compares to average yearly attendance of 35,000 before the start of Midtown Park’s development.
Nelson also asked about how much insurance money the city received following Winter Storm Uri to repair the Phillips Events Center, which is part of the new golf course property. Smith said the city received more than $4 million dollars.
That led mayor Andrew Nelson to say “I just want you despots to know that we’re actually enabling great use in the park.”
Click below for comments from Andrew Nelson, Will Smith, and Kean Register during the August 23, 2022 Bryan council budget hearing.