Interview With Dennis Maloney After Winning Re-Election To The College Station City Council

College Station city councilman Dennis Maloney was re-elected Tuesday in a runoff election.

Click below for comments from Dennis Maloney, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver the day after the election.

Listen to “College Station city councilman Dennis Maloney comments after winning Tuesday's runoff election.” on Spreaker.

Maloney received 1,332 votes and David Levine received 943.

According to city officials, 28 absentee and one military ballot are still out, but those would not be enough to change the outcome.

The city council will canvass returns December 22 at 4 p.m., then Maloney will be sworn-in for a three year term.

The 2,275 votes represented a four percent turnout of the 57,775 who are registered.

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