Two Texas A&M Sorority Houses Under Quarantine Orders

Screen shot of e-mail from Texas A&M.
Screen shot of e-mail from Texas A&M.

Two Texas A&M sororities are under quarantine.

A&M announced an undisclosed number of members at Delta Delta Delta and Kappa Kappa Gamma were exposed to coronavirus.

A&M has also started contact tracing of members and others who were in contact during sorority activities last Sunday.

Vice president of student affairs Daniel Pugh told reporters Thursday each chapter had “some significant numbers of positive. And there was an activity that created opportunity for close proximity within 15 minutes (where) you had the opportunity for transmission.”

One of the chapters did not get the mayor’s permission to hold a group event. Dr. Pugh said the reason “will come out in our investigative process” and “we’ll find out what their thinking was behind it and why they didn’t comply.”

Pugh said both chapters had implemented their own actions before they were contacted by the university. Those actions included isolating women who had tested positive.

Dr. Pugh also said the university has reached out to several other Greek organizations “who have identified some numbers that are there that didn’t rise to what we’re talking about” with the sororities.

Pugh said “we’re working with those chapters to get all their members to go through the contact tracing process immediately so that the tracers can identify if we need to do something more intentional.”

Click below for comments from Daniel Pugh to reporters on August 20, 2020:

Listen to “Two Texas A&M sororities are in quarantine after positive coronavirus tests” on Spreaker.

Statement from Texas A&M:

Pursuant to COVID-19 training required for all students, faculty and staff in advance of the semester, and as expected with our return to campus operations, we will and are experiencing positive COVID-19 tests. Our planning and processes remain at full operational status and we are prepared to handle these initial cases.

In particular, this week we are aware of two sororities – Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Delta Delta – whose activities and members are experiencing exposure to the virus.

Consistent with our protocols as indicated in issued guidance and in consultation with the Brazos County Health District, we have initiated chapter-wide quarantine and contact tracing for those who live in the sorority houses or elsewhere and were in contact.

These chapters have been responsive and are responsibly following required steps to continue operations and protect the health and safety of our campus and community at large.

As a reminder, should any member of the campus community – students, faculty or staff – receive a positive diagnosis or believe they have been exposed to a positive case, they are to complete the form on the Texas A&M University System reporting portal.

For more information, visit the central COVID-19 website on the university’s home page.

Please be responsible and respectful of our commitments to one another by wearing a face covering, washing hands, staying six feet apart, staying home if sick and quarantining for 14 days if exposed. A reminder that Governor Abbott’s executive order restricting gatherings to no more than 10 is in effect.

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